Performance of the electrical works on Sector 4 in Lipak and Železnik tunnels
Project description:
Lipak and Železnik tunnels, located on the Pan-European corridor (Corridor X) of the E-75 motorway, on the southern bypass around Belgrade, are of vital importance for the smooth and safe traffic flow. These facilities are composed of two tunnel tubes with two traffic lanes and one breakdown lane each.

Start / end year:
2020 – 2021


Azvirt doo Ogranak Beograd (Azvirt doo Belgrade Branch)
Project details
Technical description:
Construction of bypass around Belgrade, on Sector 4 between the bridge on Sava River near Ostružnica and Orlovača junction, represents at the moment one of the most important infrastructure projects in the Serbian capital.
Socio-economic interest:
Execution of almost a half-century-old project was preceded by the review of project documentation that was needed to be adjusted to the current site conditions, contemporary standards and the existing legal regulations. Thanks to the dedication of all project participants, their willingness for an unconditional cooperation for the sake of common interest, the obstacles were transformed into challenges. The idea of building a bypass and alleviating the traffic congestions in the capital is now becoming a reality which leads to the improvement of entire core infrastructure in the country, as well as to the increase in life quality, reducing the pollution in the city itself.
By taking a part in the realisation of major projects of national importance, Elektromontaža has risen to the occasion and proven its readiness to successfully resolve even the most demanding tasks and to make its contribution to the development of infrastructure which is beyond doubt one of the pillars of economic progress and generator of a common social prosperity.
Tunnel Brančići
Project description:
Traffic signalization is divided into variable and permanent signalization.
Variable traffic signalization is performed by traffic signs with variable content. Variable traffic signs are placed in the tunnel, on the approaches to the “Ljig” loop and on the parking access.
In the loop zone, PTZ cameras with predefined focus zones are placed on the portals, which rotate in time on the graphical user interface of the control and operational center.
PTZ cameras are also installed in the parking and resort area. An ALPR camera is installed at all entrances to the resort to detect license plates, as part of the system for the detection of oversized vehicles (transport of hazardous materials).
Variable traffic signals are divided according to the type of signs into:
• Variable traffic signs in front of the tunnel,
• Variable traffic signs in the tunnel.
Traffic lights are provided at the entrance and exit of the tunnel for the purpose of traffic regulation, as well as closer portals at the entrances to the left and right tunnel pipe.
Variable traffic signalization is controlled via automation cabinets, located in the immediate vicinity of signs that are controlled in SOS niches as well as in automation cabinets in the tunnel zone at the entrance or exit from the tunnel.

Start / end year:
June 2018 – May 2019

Highway E763 – Section V: Part Lajkovac – Ljig from 53+139,91 up to 77+118,23

Javno preduzeće (Public Enterprise) – Putevi Srbije
Energoprojekt Niskogradnja Beograd (Belgrade)
Project details
Technical description:
Traffic signalization is divided into variable and permanent signalization.
Variable traffic signalization is performed by traffic signs with variable content. Variable traffic signs are placed in the tunnel, on the approaches to the “Ljig” loop and on the parking access.
In the loop zone, PTZ cameras with predefined focus zones are placed on the portals, which rotate in time on the graphical user interface of the control and operational center.
PTZ cameras are also installed in the parking and resort area. An ALPR camera is installed at all entrances to the resort to detect license plates, as part of the system for the detection of oversized vehicles (transport of hazardous materials).
Variable traffic signals are divided according to the type of signs into:
• Variable traffic signs in front of the tunnel,
• Variable traffic signs in the tunnel.
Traffic lights are provided at the entrance and exit of the tunnel for the purpose of traffic regulation, as well as closer portals at the entrances to the left and right tunnel pipe.
Variable traffic signalization is controlled via automation cabinets, located in the immediate vicinity of signs that are controlled in SOS niches as well as in automation cabinets in the tunnel zone at the entrance or exit from the tunnel.
Social and economic interest:
In addition to the great economic impact on this part of Serbia, the section of the highway E-763 Belgrade – Požega, represents a step of the Trans-European Highway (TEM) which in Serbia connects the basic direction of the TEM with the Adriatic Sea. Within the primary network of Serbia, this road route should take over long-distance flows from the existing main roads M-21 (Novi Sad – Valjevo – Užice – Bijelo Polje), M-22 (in the part Belgrade – Čačak) and further, on the territory of Montenegro. from the road M-2 (in the part Bijelo Polje – Podgorica – Adriatic Sea). On the stretch Preljina – Požega (in length + approx. 34.2 km) the corridor this time coincides with the corridor of the “West Moravian Highway” E-761, Pojate – Kruševac – Kraljevo – Preljina – Požega.
Purchase and installation of electrical equipment for reconstruction of PP Đurići 35/6 kV/kV
Project description:
The role of PP “Đurići” is to pump the water collected in the Spajići Lake into the Zaovinsko Lake, in order to use that water later for the production of electricity in RHE “Bajina Bašta”. Three motors of 800 kW each are used to pump water into the Zaovinsko Lake. The pumping plant is supplied from TS Metaljka located on Tara. Power is provided via a 35 kV cable. An energy transformer has been installed in the pumping plant, which transforms 35 kV voltage into 6 kV, which is suitable for connecting pumps.

Start / end year:
February 2019 – December 2019


JP EPS Beograd, Ogranak Drinsko-Limske HE Bajina Bašta (Branch of Drinsko – Limska Hydro-Power Plant Bajina Bašta)
Project details
Technical description:
The project documentation defines the basic concept for the adaptation of the 35/6 kV / kV substation and the pumping station (3 × 800 kW, 6 kV). The adaptation of the Đurići pumping plant included the dismantling of existing power transformers, 35 kV and 6 kV switchyards and self-consumption equipment, the installation of new equipment consisting of a power transformer, a 35 kV gas-insulated SF6 plant, self-consumption equipment, control equipment, and 6 kV MV plant with medium voltage soft-starter device for starting pumps.
The purpose of the soft-starter is to start and to stop three motors, according to the program implemented in the control system, in accordance with the planned operation of the pumping plant.
After the installation of the new equipment, detailed adjustments of the equipment parameters, functionality tests, and implementation of remote control were performed, thus communication with the central command of the SCADA system of HPP “Bajina Bašta” has been achieved.
Social and economic interest:
Due to considerable dilapidation and long-term exploitation, the reconstruction of PP Đurići is planned, where instead of the existing way of starting pump units (direct starting), a solution of “soft starting” of pump motors was introduced using a medium voltage soft-starter 6 kV, as a multi-motor starter which enabled significantly less shocks to the mains when switching on the pumps.
Geographical location:
PP “Đurići” is located on the mountain Tara near the Zaovine Lake. In addition to the pumping plant, there is another lake called Spajići, which was formed by dividing the river Beli Rzav.
Adaptation of own consumption in the business building “Elektromontaža Srbije” AD, Nacionalni dispečerski centar – (National Dispatch Center (NDC))
Phase II
Project description:
This project envisages the adaptation of the power supply system of the facility’s own consumption: replacement of the 10 kV switchyard in the 10 / 0.4 kV substation, no. V-1551 and replacement of two 10 / 0.4 kV transformers in TS 10 / 0.4 kV, no. V-1551, adaptation of 0.4 kV rail connections, adaptation of the existing monitoring system and adaptation of accompanying systems and installations.

Start / end year:
December 2017 – March 2020

Vojvode Stepe 412,Beograd (Belgrade)

„Elektromreža Srbije” AD Beograd (Belgrade)
Project details
Technical part
To supply the necessary consumers, there are two diesel generators in the building as backup power sources, which are 100% spare for each other. The power of the diesel generator is 886 kVA / 708 kW (“stand-by”) / 805 kVA / 644 kW (“prime”).
The existing power supply and distribution system is used to connect and power the complete equipment for control informatics of NDC, TK system EMS AD and Data Center EMS AD, whose functionality must not be interrupted.
Existing 10 kV plant in SS 10 / 0.4 kV, no. V-1551 consists of 8 (eight) cells.
Existing home transformers T1 and T2 (dry) have a transmission ratio of 10 ± 2×2.5% / 0.4 kV, power 1600 kVA, Dyn5 couplings and represent 100% reserve to each other. Transformers are prohibited from operating in parallel on the low voltage side.
Newly designed condition
At the site of the existing 10 kV switchyard, a new 10 kV switchyard was installed. The newly designed 10 kV switchyard (RP) consists of modular, metal-shielded, air-insulated, type-certified cells for indoor installation, rated voltage 12 kV, rated current 630 A, withstand one-second short-circuit thermal currents 25 kA.
At the place of the part of the existing, armored rail distribution (transformer-main distribution 0.4 kV), a new shielded, type-tested, prefabricated 0.4 kV bus distribution was installed.
A new remote station (RTU) was installed in the existing SS V-1551, which enabled complete supervision and management of a part of the newly installed 10 kV switchyard (K4, K5, K6 and K7), by EPS Distribucija -Pogon Beograd.
During the adaptation, the existing monitoring system of the complete facility was expanded.
The SCADA system is designed so that, similarly to the old building, it shows the status of medium voltage switches, namely water cells, connecting cells and transformer cells.
Social and economic interest
After the works performed, the security of electricity supply to all vital consumers in the NDC building was increased, and thus the security of the electric power system of Serbia and the international exchange of electricity, which goes through our system.
Upgrading of the remote monitoring and control system of the medium voltage network in the distribution area of Elektrosrbija Kraljevo
Project description:
The goal of this project was to provide monitoring of the situation in the medium voltage power network of certain branches in the area of ODS Distribucija – Elektrosrbija Kraljevo by installing modern control, communication, and energy equipment.
It is ensured that the competent dispatch centers have an insight into the condition of the complete equipment in the network at all times (e.g. the condition of disconnectors, reclosers, SF6 switches, etc.).
Images of single-pole diagrams, signals and alarm status, measurements, command keys, are displayed on the monitor of the dispatcher’s workstation. It is possible for the dispatcher to be able to control the system remotely, by giving the appropriate command. Some of the functions of the system are:
- display of equipment status 24 hours a day throughout the year via SCADA system,
- possibility of fast reaction by remote means,
- returning the system to normal operation, i.e. turning on parts of the system that are out of operation,
- time savings due to almost instantaneous reaction, without going to the facility and intervention of technical persons,
- the possibility of timely interventions in case of accidents.

Start / end year:
January 2018 – January 2020

Area of ED Kraljevo, Kruševac, Jagodina, Loznica, Čačak and Užice

IMP Automatika
Project details
Technical part
The subject of the works is the adaptation of certain facilities of overground transmission lines (reinforced concrete poles, steel-lattice poles, SS type: Tower) with the installation of new equipment on certain facilities in the existing medium voltage electricity network.
During the adaptation, new equipment for the remote monitoring and control system was installed.
During the adaptation, new equipment for the remote monitoring and control system was installed. In the earlier phases of this project realization, equipment for the MV network management was installed at individual facilities. After the realization of this phase of the project, this equipment was integrated into a unique medium voltage network management system. In this project, all new micro locations in the area of transformer stations TS 35/10 kV were processed. The works include the installation of the following equipment:
- Line disconnectors,
- SF6 disconnectors,
- 10 kV reclosers,
- 20 kv reclosers,
- 35 kV reclosers,
- RMU blocks,
- Communication and equipment for automation of each point,
- AB pillars.
Social and economic interest
The biggest challenge is to localize part of the faulty network with minimal resource engagement. In order to achieve this, devices for remote monitoring and control are installed, which in case of failure on some inaccessible terrain, and in case of long and very branched outlets, fast and reliable localization and disconnection of the faulty section is performed.
In this way, there will be a significant reduction in the duration of outages and losses due to undelivered electricity. The profit is realized due to the reduction of the time required for the localization of the fault, and thus the protection of the Operator from financial compensation of consumers as well as special protection of consumers from production downtime.
Public lighting reconstruction in the area of Bajina Bašta municipality
Project description:
Local self-government of Bajina Bašta municipality, in cooperation with the Republic of Serbia’s Ministry of Economy, has conducted activities on the realisation of ’’Building Together’’ project. A public lighting reconstruction has been performed, in terms of bringing the system in a technically valid and functional state, along with the optimisation of electric power consumption, i.e. the improvement of energy efficiency and city’s public lighting quality.
This project includes an analysis of the actual lighting condition, as well as the plan of system reconstruction which involved a replacement of the existing energy inefficient light poles, by applying the technologies that enable a wider functionality and additional (energy) efficiency of lighting, on the level of its basic function– public area lighting. That way, it has been achieved that the savings in electric energy consumption of newly installed LED light poles are higher compared to what would have been achieved based on a simple difference in installed nominal power.

Year of beginning/completion
March 2019 – May 2019

Bajina Bašta

Ministry of Economy
Project details
Technical part
Over the course of reconstruction, beside replacing the existing ones, a total of 1504 new light ploes were installed, as well as one additional multifunctional light pole modular system for ambient lighting. A certain number of light poles (239) has integrated controllers for remote control and monitoring (a so called telemanagement system).
Telemanagement system is a system that enables remote diagnostics alongside with controlling, that is, turning the lights on and off, as well as the possibility of their dimming. This is the only system which enables a two-way communication, i.e. it provides a possibility of sending commands as well as receiving information on the current status of light poles, and a confirmation that a command is being executed. Thanks to a two-way communication between a light pole and a control (management) centre, it is possible to detect a light pole failure or damage or the problem in power supply by the operator. A remote control system implies collecting, using and processing data about the functioning of public lighting, and eventually using such data for the purposes of further regulation. By entering the user page, it is possible to obtain an insight into the work of each individual light pole, along with information concerning the: voltage, power factor, number of working hours, and a possible breakdown of some of the components (light bulbs, electrical ballast or controller), time of turning on and off and the electric power consumption.
In each of 239 light poles, a LUCO NXP controller has been installed, and for this quantity of light poles, three system coordinators have been installed (master controllers) type SECO (in the lighting technics also known as Segment Controllers). For the communication of segment controllers with a server (Database), procurement of three special SIM cards is planned (M2M type, with a static public IP address) or cable connection to the Internet (ETHERNET plug-in at the place of installation, which is usually a Public lighting distribution cabinet, where device has the uninterrupted 24-hour supply).
Social and economic interest
The biggest advantage of a public lighting reconstruction in the area of Bajina Bašta municipality, is the installation of LED lights, produced by the latest technologies thanks to which, compared to the outdated counterparts, their energy efficiency comes to the forefront, due to great savings in electric power consumption.
Great advantage of the LED lights compared to other ones lies in a fact that their light is pointed to an illuminated area (traffic, sidewalk, pavement). Light dissipation to the sky is reduced to a minimum, and the illuminated area gets more light compared to the other light bulbs of same purpose.
Numerous advantages are found as well in longer exploitation period – maintenance costs are reduced, and a special convenience provides a possibility of lighting control through the adjustment of light intensity, given that the lights are designed in a way which offers a great variety of wattage and voltage.
It is important to point out that LED lighting is:
- the most energy efficient, cleanest and environmentally the best solution;
- clean technology, does not contain toxic material;
- 100% renewable;
- produces little or none UV emission;
- extremely durable and made of hard components, resistant to the most adverse external influences
- resistant to electric shocks, vibrations and external shocks, represents a great solution for street lighting
- provides a significant contribution to the environmental protection, by replacing the old lights and vivid light sources (which represented a potential danger for the environment), with new and environmentally healthy lighting.
Self-consumption in NDC
Project description:
Power supply to technological equipment in NDC, reconstruction and replacement of the main power systems, inverter, generator and grid power supply systems in NDC building.

Start/completion year:
2014 – 2015


Project details
Technical information
Delivery and installation of power systems, transformers, generators, inverters, rechargeable batteries, switchboards, rectifiers, shielded busbar systems.
Connecting all segments to the monitoring and control system. Due to the specific purpose of the facility, the execution of works was highly organised, thus the power supply system of the dispatch centre was at no time compromised or damaged.
Social and economic interest
After completion of works, the security of electricity supply to all vital consumers in the NDC building was increased, as well as the security of the Serbian electric power system and international electricity exchange, which is performed through our system.
Šarani Tunnel
Project description:
Electrical and signalisation installation works at Šarani Tunnel. The project involves complete electrical and mechanical equipping of the tunnel, and Preljina and Takovo interchanges.

Start/completion year:
2016 – 2017

Šarani Tunnel is part of the major project for construction of E763 Belgrade–South Adriatic motorway. It is located in the Ljig–Preljina Section, which is one of the busiest sections of Ibar Highway.

Energotehnika Južna Bačka/Energoprojekt oprema
Project details
Technical information
Assembly, installation and connection of all necessary equipment and materials for the following systems in the tunnel: fire alarm, SOS intercom system, speaker system, access detection, video surveillance, air quality and flow control, radio communication system, meteorological data acquisition, optical network with active equipment, system for measuring vehicle dimensions at motorway entrances, metal structures and gantries with changeable video and other traffic signalisation, traffic lights, antenna poles. All the above equipment, as well as lighting and power supply (substation, diesel generator, UPSs) in the tunnel and in other tunnels in the section, as well as on Takovo and Preljina interchanges, are connected in the integrated management of Ljig–Preljina section.
Social and economic interest
As the major infrastructure project on Belgrade–South Adriatic motorway, Šarani Tunnel is of great social and economic interest not only for Serbia and Montenegro, but also for other countries in the region that need faster road access to the Adriatic Sea. In addition, the number of traffic accidents that were frequent on the parallel section of Ibar Highway between Ljig and Preljina was significantly reduced
Investor: Grad Kraljevo
Location: Kraljevo
Start: 2017
Project details::
Procurement of LED lights, and surveillance and control
system for Kraljevo street lights,
including installation thereof
Investor: Energoprojekt niskogradnja
Location: Preljina-Ljig Motorway
Start: 2018
Project details:
Execution of electric installation works,
signalisation installation at
Brančići Tunnel
Investor: BS Telecom/Azvirt
Location: E80 Motorway-Bulgaria
Start: 2018
Project details:
Delivery of telecommunication equipment and execution of
installation works for traffic signalisation and
cabinets, and manufacture and installation of steel structures
(portal pylons, towers, etc.) at Sopot, Sarlah
and Bancarevo tunnels
Investor: BS Telecom/Azvirt
Location: E75 Motorway-Macedonia
Start: 2018
Project details:
Delivery of telecommunication equipment
and execution of installation works for traffic
signalisation and cabinets, and manufacture and installation of steel structures (portal pylons, towers, etc.) at Predejane and Manajle Tunnels
Investor: SMATSA
Location: Serbia/Montenegro
Start: 2017
Project details:
Procurement and installation
in the field of energy
Investor: Telegroup/SMATSA
Location: Serbia
Start: 2018
Project details
Technical centre reconstruction works
Phase II
Investor: SMATSA
Location: Serbia
Start: 2019
Project details:
Execution of works for adaptation of CKL Beograd
electric power station
Investor: Ministry of Economy
Location: Bajina Bašta
Start: 2019
Project details:
Reconstruction of public lighting in Bajina Bašta
Municipality, LED lights delivery and installation
Investor: EMS
Location: Belgrade
Start: 2018
Project details:
Execution of works for adaptation of self-consumption in EMS office building – Phase II
Investor: Ministry of Construction, Transport
and Infrastructure
Location: Đerdap, Kladovo
Start: 2019
Project details:
Execution of electrical installation works for
reconstruction of Đerdap 1 navigation lock
Download document containing specifications for all projects
Reference list