Execution of works on the upgrade of 110 kV Transmission Line no.115/4 between Požega Substation and Beljina Junction
Project description:
Completed works on the reconstruction and relocation of the 110 kV transmission line number 115/4 between Požega Substation and Beljina Junction Substation to the zone of intersection with the motorway E-763 Belgrade – Southern Adriatic, road section Pakovraće – Požega. A disassembly of the transmission line’s old route has been performed in the length of 1.2 km, as well as the manufacturing and installation of six new Jela steel-truss poles, procurement and installation of new conductors, insulators, protection rope, suspension and external equipment.

Year of beginning/completion:
2023 – 2023

Local communities Markovica and Rtavi, Lučani Municipality

China Communication Construction Company Ltd
Project details
Technical description:
Route of the existing 110 kV transmission line number 115/4 overlapped the newly designed bridge number 15 of the designed E-763 motorway in the approximate length of 800 m. That is why a reconstruction and relocation of the transmission line was needed to be done. An intersection under the approximately right angle with the future motorway was performed on the new transmission line route, followed by a route that runs parallel to the motorway on a proper distance. Three new angle (tension) poles were built as well as the three new load-bearing pillars, manufactured and installed, newly galvanised steel-truss construction protected upon installation with a duplex system of anticorrosive protection. New Al-Fe conductors were installed on the reconstructed section, as well as the 50 mm² protective rope, U120B glass insulator, suspension and external equipment.
Social and economic interest:
Reconstruction that has been performed this way shall provide a safe and quality transmission of the electric power, as well as the safe traffic flow in the intersecting zone of the power facility and road infrastructure.
The 220 kV Transmission Line between Bajina Bašta Substation (Vardište junction) and Bistrica Hydro Power Plant
Project description:
Introduction of the existing 220 kV transmission line between Bajina Bašta (Vardište junction) and Bistrica Hydro Power Plant into the new substation Bistrica. Introduction of this transmission line is part of a complete arrangement of the 110 kV and 220 kV transmission lines around the new 220/110 kV Bistrica substation.

Year of beginning/completion:
2020 – 2022

Nova Varoš Municipality

Elektromreža Srbije ad Beograd
Project details
Technical description:
This transmission line is introduced based on the input-output principle, being connected at Bistrica Substation to the transmission line heading toward the Bajina Bašta Substation (Vardište junction), in the direction of Bistrica Hydro Power Plant. Terrain where the overhead lines have been installed is covered with fields, pastures and to a large extent with forests. Most of the rural roads with hard surface provide accessibility for a large part of the route to the Bistrica Substation. Length of installation on new routes reaches 9.1 km, for the direction toward Bistrica Hydro Power Plant, i.e. 8.5 km for the direction toward Bajina Bašta Substation (Vardište junction).
Social and economic interest:
In order to remove a rigid electric power junction at the Vardište Substation, to achieve more stable operations and long-term supply of the electric power for the consumers in the area of Nova Varoš, Čajetina, Priboj, Prijepolje, Sjenica, Novi Pazar, Raška and Tutin, a need has arisen for the construction of new 220/110 kV Bistrica substation. The transmission line project does not include the use of substances or materials that are toxic or hazardous to the human health or environment (flora, fauna, water supply). Transmission line by its nature does not require any kind of energy, sources of energy and raw materials during operation, does not produce or discharge any products, therefore it does not affect as such the water status (ground water and surface water), surrounding soil, the condition of air quality, flora and fauna.
2×35kV Power Transmission Line 110/35/10 kV “Niš 15”-Doljevac – 35/10 kV “Klisura” Substation, 35/10 kV “Žitorađa” Substation
Project description:
This Project encompasses the works on construction of a new 2×35 kV double-circuit power line from a 35 kV power line 35/10kV „Klisura“ Substation – 35/10 kV „Žitorađa“ Substation to a 110/35/10 kV „Niš 15“ (Doljevac) Substation, with connection to the „Niš 15“ (Doljevac) Substation.
Construction of this line aims to improve the electric energy situation in the area of Doljevac municipality and surrounding locations. Construction of this power transmission line secures a stable power supply for the 35/10 kV “Klisura” Substation, where the problems of maintaining a power supply level, power supply reliability, as well as a possibility of future capacity expansion for this substation, are being solved.
Line is composed of a cable section from the „Niš 15“ (Doljevac) Substation, to the tower number 1, which is 482,55 meters in length, and an overhead section which is 2296,90 meters in length, from the tower number 1 to the tower number 15.

Year of beginning/completion:


Project details
Technical information
On the occasion of a new 2×35 kV line route description, a direction from „Niš 15“ (Doljevac) Substation towards the existing 35kV power transmission line „Klisura“ Substation – „Žitorađa“ Substation, has been adopted as a reference route direction.
Cable lines are leaving the „Niš 15“ (Doljevac) Substation from its southern side, and upon exiting the enclosed area are being directed towards the west in order to by-pass the Substation. Then, the route turns right and follows a plateau embankment of the same power transformer station, by-passes it and continues to the north towards the access road for the „Niš 15“ (Doljevac) Substation. The existing underground cable system is used for passing beneath the access road to the Substation. Upon leaving the underground cable system, the line route turns slightly to the left and approaches the class II A state road number 158 (km 194+728). Then, it leads slightly to the right (upon leaving the new underground cable system beneath a field road) and continues along the state road. Cable line maintains that direction until reaching the first tower location (km 194+389) where it separates from the II A-158 state road, and reaches the new overhead line tower number 1.
Parallel with the projected 35 kV cable lines, one HDPE pipe 50mm in diameter is laid, and an optical cable is pulled through it.
Along the cable line route, cable shafts for telecommunication line were built. Optical cable ends within the „Niš 15“ (Doljevac) Substation facility, in the optical end box, and on the tower number 1.
The entire cable line is placed partially in a green area, and on the passing bellow the access road to „Niš 15“ (Doljevac) Substation, it goes through the existing underground cable system.
Route of the overhead section has a general south-north direction. From the new tower number 1 to the new tower number 15, an overhead line is installed as a two-way system on a steel lattice tower. The power transmission line is installed in a flat surface, covered with arable land.
Tower number 15 is placed on the route of existing 35kV power transmission line from „Klisura“ Substation to „Žitorađa“ Substation. By doing so, it is secured that the existing line route matches the tower’s x-axis.
Social and economic interest
Construction of this power transmission line secures a stable power supply for the 35/10 kV “Klisura” Substation, where the problem of maintaining the level of supply is being resolved, and safety of supply is being secured, as well as the possibility of future capacity expansion for this substation.
Besides direct expected effects in terms of the energy system functioning within Doljevac’s electric energy network, there are numerous indirect effects.
All this is in function of sustainable economic development of the entire area, not only in terms of supply for the existing consumers, but also as a potential for the future investments development. Economic effects of a power transmission line construction are achieved as well through the relatively high participation of domestic workforce and industry, practically without importing the equipment from abroad.
The effect of planning itself shall reflect through a clear defining of construction rules in the field of planned elaboration, for the purposes of defining the spatial planning conditions, regulation and construction of a power transmission line and supporting infrastructure.
2 x 110 kV Power Line between Alibunar Substation and Košava Switchyard
Project description:
Construction of power lines for connection of Košava Wind Farm to the transmission system.

Start/completion year:

and Uljma residential areas, Vršac

Investor: EMS
Funder: MK Fintel Wind a.d. Beograd
Project details
Technical information
During one construction season, 7.7 km of the new power line were built. In total, 34 new steel lattice barrel-shaped towers were built.
Electrical installation works were also executed in the entire section, that is, equipping of the system with 3x SRPS N.C1.351-240/40- Al/Steel conductor from Košava Switchyard to the existing tower no. 154 DV 151/3. In the first phase, only one conductor system was installed. In the aforementioned route, an OPGW of 48 optical fibres per each end was also installed.
Social and economic interest
The Development Strategy of the Republic of Serbia anticipates construction of wind farms.
In Vršac region, one of the planned wind farms is Košava Wind Farm with power lines for connecting Košava Wind Farm to the transmission network.
The wind farm will be connected to the grid via the planned 110 kV switchyard. Power line no. 151/3 will be connected to the 110 kV switchyard by constructing the new 2×110 kV power line between Košava Switcyard and Alibunar Substation, to the point of connection to power line no. 151/3. To the point of connection to power line no. 151/3 (tower no. 154) the line will be built as a two-system line with equipping of one system. The 110 kV power line between Košava Substation and Vršac 1 Substation will be also connected to the 110 kV switchyard. The line will use part of the route of the existing power line no. 151/3 in front of Vršac Substation.
The reason for the construction of the 2×110 kV power lines between Košava Switchyard and Alibunar Substation up to the connection point to the power line no. 151/3 and the 110 kV power line between Košava Substation and Vršac 1 Substation is the connection of Košava Wind Farm to the transmission system. Part of the route between the points of connection of new lines is not disassembled, i.e. the conductors and equipment in this section are retained including the anchorage of the terminal towers.
35 kV Power Line between Ralja and Ripanj
Project details:
Insulation and conductor replacement.

Start/completion year:


Project details
Technical information
Replacement of existing K3 insulator chains and installation of new rod insulators, disassembly of the existing 70 mm ² conductor and installation of a new 95 mm ² conductor, tower and phase marking.
Social and economic interest
The goal is more consistent power supply.
110 kV Power Line No. 1127 between Kraljevo 1 – Kraljevo 2, connection to Kraljevo 6 Substation
Project description:
Construction of 110 kV power line for connection of 110/10 kV Ribnica Substation.

Start/completion year:


Project details
Technical information
Execution of construction works for 2×110 kV power line for connecting 110/10 kV Kraljevo 6 Substation (Ribnica) to the transmission system. The length of the newly constructed power line is 3.5 km. A total of 17 new towers were built, 12 thereof were steel lattice towers of reduced dimensions and 5 tubular polygonal towers. Complete electrical installation works were executed from Kraljevo 6 Substation (Ribnica) to the point of connection to 110 kV power line no. 1127 between Kraljevo 1 and Kraljevo 2.
Social and economic interest
The construction of this line and substation will create conditions for more intensive development of the area, which is expected and planned in this part of the city. High reliability and security in electricity supply will be provided, which is especially important for further development of Kraljevo, and for the purpose of a more stable operation of Kraljevo’s power system, as well as for long-term provision of electricity to consumers in the area of Kraljevo, respectively Ribnica.
110 kV Power Line between Kruševac and Dedina node
Project description:
Works on 110 kV power line between Kruševac and Dedina.

Start/completion year:


Project details
Technical information
Construction of steel lattice barrel-shaped tower structure, 24 pcs. /125 t, with associated hardware, transport to the site, installation and erecting, and structure anti-corrosion protection by galvanisation and paint.Installation of electrical equipment and conductors.
Social and economic interest
Replacement of old and dilapidated “Karpoš” towers with new steel lattice towers. In this way, JP Elektromreža Srbije, provides security in the supply of electricity – 110 kV voltage level.
35 kV Power Line “Trbušnica – Zajača”
Project description:
Power line reconstruction works.

Start/completion year:


Loznica Branch
Project details
Technical information
- Design, delivery and installation of new steel lattice towers, with previously completed construction works
- Procurement, delivery and installation of a new Al/steel conductor, with a cross section of 95/15 mm ²
- Delivery and installation of new composite insulators, with suitable coupling and suspension equipment and vibration dampers
- Installation of surge arresters in Trbušnica and Zajača Substations
- Installation of disconnectors for construction of branch lines at towers 7 and 32
- Installation of a new protective OPGW providing protection against lightnings and enabling remote communication between two substations.
Social and economic interest
Prior to the reconstruction, the power line was built on old steel towers and with worn out conductor, making the power supply to consumers unstable, especially in winter conditions.
The reconstruction of the power line with new towers and electrical equipment resulted in a stable and reliable supply to consumers connected to “Zajača” Substation, as well as to consumers connected to 10/0.4 kV pole-mounted substation “Budimlija”, which was achieved by the installation of new disconnectors on branch pylons.
35 kV Power Line between Paraćin and Popovac
Project description:
Works including delivery of goods for the construction of 35 kV power line between Paraćin and Popovac.

Start/completion year:

Ćuprija Municipality (Batinac Cadastral Municipality)

Jagodina Branch
Project details
Technical information
The existing 35 kV power line between 110/35 kV “Paraćin 1” Substation and 35/10 kV “Paraćin 6” Substation (Popovac) consists of three different sections, and different types of works were executed in each section:
- The first section was built on double-circuit steel lattice towers. This section was in good condition and the following works were carried out: rehabilitation of towers in terms of completing missing positions, replacement of existing insulation and replacement of the existing protective cable with OPGW.
- The second section stretches from the point of connection of the first section to the point of connection to the old 35 kV power line for Popovac stretching from the direction of Ćuprija and Jagodina. This section was in good condition and the following works were carried out: rehabilitation of concrete towers, which showed concrete damage and cracks, replacement of insulation and replacement of the existing protective cable with OPGW.
- The third section stretches from the point of connection of the second section to the 35/10 kV “Paraćin 6” Substation and represents the worst section. The following works were carried out there: Replacement of existing reinforced concrete towers with steel tubular towers, replacement of conductors, replacement of insulation, replacement of the existing protective cable with OPGW. In addition, two line disconnectors for the purpose of line sectioning were installed on this power line.
Social and economic interest
The existing 35 kV power line between Paraćin and Popovac supplies 35/10 kV “Popovac” Substation. The power supply to this substation is radial and any dropout of this line leaves a large number of consumers without electricity. On the other hand, this line consists of three sections, one with steel lattice towers, the other with reinforced concrete towers of the “Karpoš” type and the third with reinforced-concrete towers which are over 50 years old. Poor insulation over the entire power line and worn-out third section caused many outages.
110 kV Power Line between Košava Switchyard and Vršac 1 Substation
Project description:
Construction and adaptation of power lines for connection of Košava Wind Farm to the transmission system.

Start/completion year:


Investor: EMS
Funder: MK Fintel Wind a.d. Beograd
Project details
Technical information
As the connection of Košava Wind Farm to the transmission system was required, a new 110 kV power line was constructed stretching from Košava Switchyard to the point of connection to the existing 110 kV power line no. 151/3, as well as the adaptation of the existing power line between the connection point and Vršac 1 Substation. The newly constructed section is 16.1 km long and has 75 steel lattice Christmas-tree-shaped towers. The new section also included complete electrical installation work and a 3xAl/Steel-240/40 mm² conductor was installed. The part of the existing transmission line undergoing adaptation is 5.8 km long and has 19 portal pylons. Their existing conductor was replaced with a special 3×ACCC Helsinki conductor, which was then used in Serbia for the first time. OPGW with 48 optical fibres was also installed in the entire section.
Social and economic interest
The Development Strategy of the Republic of Serbia anticipates construction of wind farms.
In Vršac region, one of the planned wind farms is Košava Wind Farm with power lines for connecting Košava
Wind Farm to the transmission network.
The construction of wind farms results in generation of electricity from renewable sources, i.e. from wind energy, which makes Serbia strategically positioned as a green energy producer.
Wind power is one of the clean ways to obtain electricity, which is why it is recognized in the world as an important factor for the future of our planet. Wind is a renewable energy source, which means that, unlike fossil fuels, for example, it will not be consumed, and it does not release combustion gases during electricity generation that would increase the greenhouse effect on our planet and thus aggravate global warming.
Investor: ODS EPS Distribucija
Location: Svrljig, Bancarevo
Start: 2017
Project details:
35 kV overhead power line between
110/35 kV Svrljig Substation and 35/10 kV
Ostrovica Substation
Investor: ODS EPS Distribucija
Location: Vlasotince
Start: 2018
Project details:
Construction of 35 kV power line from 110/35/10 kV
Vlasotince Substation over 35/10 kV Gornji Orah Substation
to 35/10 kV Sastav Reka Substation
Investor: EMS
Location: Beograd – Kostolac
Start: 2018
Project details:
2×110 kV Beograd 3 – Kostolac power line,
reconstruction and adaptation of power line
sections, J, B, D, I sections
Investor: EMS / Energomontaža
Location: Beograd, Smederevo
Start: 2018
Project details:
Construction work execution for 400 kV power line
between Beograd 8 and Drmno – connection to
Smederevo 3 Substation
Investor: ODS EPS Distribucija
Location: Niš -Doljevac
Start: 2018
Project details:
35 kV power line connecting 110/35/10 kV Niš 15
– Doljevac Substation, 35/10 kV Klisura Substation, and
35/10 kV Žitorađa Substation
Investitor: EMS/ Kodar – Energomontaža d.o.o. Belgrade
Location: Bela Crkva – Veliko Gradište
Investor: 2019
Project details:
Construction work execution for
110 kV Bela Crkva Substation –
Veliko Gradište Substation power line
Download document containing specifications for all projects
Reference list